Do Gambling Winnings Affect Your Social Security Benefits

The following types of earnings income (or losses) do not countas earnings from employment or self-employment under the earningstest:

The IRS will alert Social Security of the winnings anyway. If you fail to report the winnings and you are receiving SSI, then you may end up be assessed an overpayment and will be required to pay back the monies to Social Security. You may want to review the following links concerning how Social Security treats. 0 found this answer helpful. Gambling winnings are taxed when you file just like normal income so your roommate will now have to pay federal tax on $100,000 income (between 24% and 40% federal, depending on when it is reported and other income he/she has), and potentially state income tax, while the 'winner' got $80K tax-free instead of paying tax on $100K.

  1. Any income from employment or self-employment earnedin or after the month the individual turns FRA;

  2. Any income from self-employment received in a taxableyear after the year the individual becomes entitled to benefits.Such income must not be attributable to services performed afterthe first month of entitlement to benefits;

    Note: This income is excluded from grossincome only for purposes of the earnings test.

  3. Damages, attorneys' fees, interest, or penalties paid under court judgment or by compromise settlement with the employerbased on a wage claim;

    Note: Any back pay recovered in a wageclaim does count for the earnings test.

  4. Payments to secure release of an unexpired contractof employment;

  5. Certain payments made under a plan or system established for making payments because of the employee's sickness or accident disability, medical or hospitalization expenses, or death (see §1311);

  6. Payments from certain trust funds that are exemptfrom income tax (see §1314);

  7. Payments from certain annuity plans that are exemptfrom income tax (see §1316);

  8. Pensions and retirement pay;

  9. Sick pay if paid more than six months after the monththe employee last worked;

  10. Payments-in-kind for domestic service in the employer's private home for:

    1. Agricultural labor;

    2. Work not in the course of the employer's trade or business; or

    3. The value of meals and lodging furnished under certain conditions;

  11. Rentals from real estate that cannot be counted in earnings from self-employment. For instance, the beneficiary didnot materially participate in production work on the farm, the beneficiarywas not a real estate dealer, etc.;

  12. Interest and dividends from stocks and bonds (unlessthey are received by a dealer in securities in the course of business);

  13. Gain or loss from the sale of capital assets, or sale, exchange, or conversion of other property that is not stock in tradenor considered inventory;

  14. Net operating loss carry-over resulting from self-employmentactivities;

  15. Loans received by employees unless the employees repaythe loans by their work;

  16. Workers' compensation and unemployment compensation benefits and strike benefits;

  17. Veterans' training pay or allowance;

  18. Pay for jury duty;

  19. Payments for achievement awards, length of serviceawards, hobbies or prize winnings from contests, unless the personenters contests as a trade or business;

  20. Tips paid to an employee that are less than $20 amonth or are not paid in cash (see §1329);

  21. Payments by an employer that are reimbursement specificallyfor travel expenses of the employee and are so identified by theemployer at the time of payment;

  22. Payments to an employee as reimbursement or allowancefor moving expenses, if they are not counted as wages for SocialSecurity purposes (see §1333);

  23. Royalties received in or after the year a person turns FRA. The royalties must flow from property created by the person'sown personal efforts that he or she copyrighted or patented beforethe taxable year in which he or she turned FRA;

    Note: These royalties are excluded fromgross income from self-employment only for purposes of the earningstest.

  24. Retirement payments received by a retired partnerfrom a partnership provided certain conditions are met (see §1203);

  25. Certain payments or series of payments paid by anemployer to an employee or an employee's dependents on or after theemployment relationship has ended due to:

    1. Death;

    2. Retirement for disability; or

    3. Retirement for age.

    The payments are made under a plan established by the employer(see §1319); and

  26. Payments from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA's)and Keogh Plans (see §1338).

Last Revised: Aug. 27, 2009

Most people who are found disabled will receive SSI or Social Security disability benefits for many years, but there are six factors that can lead to a discontinuation of those benefits:

  • Return to work
  • Receipt of income or resources
  • Fraud
  • Medical improvement
  • Incarceration or institutionalization
  • Change in age category

Return to Work

Do Gambling Winnings Affect Your Social Security Benefits 401k

Disability is defined as an inability to work. Therefore, if you return to work, your disability benefits might end. “Work” or “Substantial Gainful Activity” (SGA) is a term of art used by SSA, to describe work activity over and above a certain level. In 2017 SGA is $1,170/month gross income (before taxes are taken out), or $1,950/month for blind persons.

If you are receiving Social Security Disability benefits (NOT SSI), you may be eligible for a “trial work period” (TWP) of up to 9 months. During a TWP you can work and keep both your paycheck and your disability benefit. If you earn $840 per month (in 2017), this will count as a trial work month. If you earn less, it will not count. The 9 months of trial work do not have to be consecutive, but after you have exhausted those 9 months, your disability will cease the next month that you earn SGA. You will then get two more months of benefits and then they will end. If, within 3 years of the end of your TWP, you have to stop working again because of your impairments, SSA may turn them back on again. This is your Extended Period of Eligibility, and you will need to ask for it when you apply.

The most important thing to remember is to advise SSA if you return to work, at any level. Do it in writing, and have them date-stamp a copy of the notice, in case you later need to prove you told them about it. If you do not report earned income, you may have a fraud problem.

Receipt of Income or Resources (SSI)

SSI is a needs based program (in contrast with Social Security Disability). If you are receiving SSI and you OR YOUR SPOUSE come into some money, through work, inheritance, lottery, tax return, gambling, legal settlement or gift (etc), you should go in and speak with SSA immediately. The same is true of anything of significant value, such as stocks, bonds, automobiles, real estate (etc) that could be liquidated.

Unearned income will reduce your SSI benefit dollar for dollar. Earned income will reduce your SSI benefit $1 for every $2 earned.

If you have resources in excess of $2,000, you do not qualify for any SSI that month. SSA can help you understand the rules and how they apply to your unique circumstances.

[Read More: Should I Try and Work During a SSD Review Process?]


If you do not report income or resources, you may be found to have engaged in welfare fraud. In that event, your benefits will end, you will be assessed an overpayment, and you should contact a criminal attorney.

Medical Improvement

Gambling And Social Security

SSA will periodically review your case. This typically happens every 3 to 7 years, and is known as a “continuing disability review” (CDR). A CDR is usually less rigorous than the original application process, but if SSA determines that your condition has improved, and that you are now able to work, your benefits will end.

Do gambling winnings affect your social security benefits social security

If you receive a CDR notice that you are no longer disabled, you may appeal that decision by filing a request for reconsideration within 60 days. If you wish to continue receiving your benefits while the appeal is pending, however, you must file it within 10 days.

The best way to stave off a discontinuation of benefits through CDR is to continue getting appropriate medical and/or mental health treatment for your disabling conditions. If you are not getting treatment, there will be an assumption that you do not need it because your conditions have improved.

[Read more: Social Security and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia]

Do Gambling Winnings Affect Your Social Security Benefits Social Security

Incarceration or Institutionalization

If you end up in prison or in an institution for 30 days or more, your benefits will be placed in suspension. If you are released within 12 months, the benefits can be reinstated, but if it is longer than 12 months you must reapply.


Do Gambling Winnings Affect Your Social Security Benefits Taxed

Change in Age Category

Social Security Disability Gambling Winnings

Turning 18: Children receiving SSI benefits will have their condition re-evaluated upon turning 18 according to adult eligibility requirement standards which can result in loss of benefits.

Reaching Retirement Age: When you reach normal retirement age, your Social Security Disability benefits (DIB) will be changed to Social Security Retirement benefits (RIB). You should not see much of a change, although depending on the circumstances of your work history, your RIB may be significantly different than the SSI benefit amount.

Do Gambling Winnings Affect Your Social Security Benefits Security

Most factors leading to a cessation of SSI or Social Security Disability benefits are fact-based, and are properly addressed by the SSA District Office. If you have any questions or concerns about the possible cessation of your benefits, or believe that SSA has made an error, you should contact an experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer.